Effective Altruism DC
Building Washington DC’s community of people committed to using evidence and reason to do the most good.

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1-on-1 Support
We’re excited to talk to you regardless of your career experience or prior level of involvement with EA.
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We rely on the community to run events and welcome new members. We’d be very grateful if you considered volunteering!

Join a community of people dedicated to helping each other work towards a better world
Effective altruism is about answering a question: how can we use our resources to help others the most?
Rather than doing what feels right, we try to use evidence and careful analysis to find the best causes to work on.
But insight alone isn't enough—we follow through by directing our time and money where they'll make the greatest difference.
Effective Altruism DC is a community of people working together to put these principles into practice.
Learn more about effective altruism here and about Effective Altruism DC here.
Some EAs earn money so they can donate; others work directly for effective organizations and may donate in addition. But they all understand the criteria: The causes should address large-scale suffering that’s being neglected and that’s preventable through money and effort.
-Rise of the Rational Do-Gooders, Washington Post Magazine
Upcoming Events
Find more info by clicking the calendar icons or going to our events page.