Get Involved
How to get involved
The best way to get involved in EA DC is to fill out our Welcome Form.
After you fill out the form you can expect an email within a few days requesting a 1-on-1 Zoom call with an organizer. We’re excited to hear about where you’re coming from and what you hope to get out of the group! You can explore our full list of public resources here. If you’re not interested in getting involved in the group but have any questions for us you can email us at Info@EffectiveAltruismDC.org or fill in our 1-on-1 meeting form here.
More info on getting involved
Who should get involved?
You! We think that the group has something to offer everyone and we’d be excited to get you more connected to our professional communities and resources. We do not expect or require any specific educational or career background, or any specific level of agreement with ideas associated with EA. To learn more about the group and how we think about our audience and goals please read our FAQ. You can also chat with us about it directly by emailing Info@EffectiveAltruismDC.org.
What happens after you fill out the Welcome Form?
Your info will be saved in our system and an organizer will reach out in at most a few days with relevant resources, info, and times we’re available for an intro Zoom call.
If you opt to join the Slack we’ll add you to the channel. We strongly suggest joining and posting an intro to yourself on the #02-Introductions channel. This is a great way of putting yourself on other members’ radar!
If you check the newsletter box we’ll subscribe you to the EA DC newsletter, you can also subscribe here. Click here to view past issues.
Based on your interests we’ll connect you with relevant members of the EA DC community. EA DC is one of the largest EA groups in the world and we have many people with diverse interests and experience to connect you with who can help you access resources, other people, and careers.
What does being involved with EA DC look like?
Our goal as an organization is to make the professional network of people interested in effective altruism in DC legible and accessible to anyone who wants to be involved. Each member can decide how involved they want to be and what they aim to get out of the group. Some members use the group for social meetups and debates about EA ideas, others use it to access EA careers in DC. There are many ways you can connect with the EA DC professional network:
Connecting with members
Online 1-on-1 calls: We think that one of the best ways of getting a sense of what’s going on in the DC EA professional network is to chat with a lot of people working in or thinking about cause areas that you’re excited about. You can feel free to reach out to members who look interesting about chatting about cause areas you’re interested in. We aim to promote members having a lot of calls with each other and think that it’s a more effective way of getting a lot of information about cause areas and activity in DC than most other methods.
EA DC events: You can meet lots of other members interested in similar cause areas and careers by attending EA DC events. We aim to have a combination of more focused events for individual cause areas and issues and more general events where you can meet lots of different people interested in EA. To join EA DC events check out our events page or subscribe to our newsletter.
Social media: Join the Slack here. We also have a Facebook group and page and Linkedin group and page.
Connecting with resources
We maintain a large collection of resources to help you navigate your donations and career from an EA perspective. Our staff and members are happy to suggest more specific resources based on what you’re looking for!
Debate over the best ways to use your time, career, and money to do the most good
The purpose of EA is to debate and identify where individuals can use their money, time, and career to do the most good possible. We agree with this forum post’s framing of EA as a question rather than an ideology. EA DC as an organization does not take official stances on EA debates (though we do make decisions based on EA-related ideas, like making sure all snacks for events are vegan). When you’re in the group it is likely that you will run into different people with different strong beliefs about where the most valuable place to use your time and money is. We do not require or expect you to agree with any specific models for how to do the most good. All we ask is that you take part in the debate.