
Upcoming Events

To follow EA DC events you can subscribe to us on Eventbrite, subscribe to our newsletter, or have our events auto populate on your Google Calendar.

To receive updates about cause area group events please subscribe to a cause area email list here.

All EA DC event attendees are required to follow the code of conduct.

AI Cause Area Meetup: Drinks at The Square

AI Cause Area Meetup: Drinks at The Square

Join the AI cause area group meetup for drinks and networking at The Square Food Hall in DC. All are welcome regardless of your background familiarity with AI!

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Climate Change Cause Area Group: Meetup at Meridian Hill Park

Climate Change Cause Area Group: Meetup at Meridian Hill Park

Join the EA DC climate change cause area group for our monthly meetup!

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Biosecurity Cause Area Meetup: Happy Hour at Dacha Navy Yard

Biosecurity Cause Area Meetup: Happy Hour at Dacha Navy Yard

Join the biosecurity cause area group for drinks and conversation at Dacha in Navy Yard! All are welcome regardless of your background experience with biosecurity.

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Global Health and Development Social at Franklin Beer Hall

Global Health and Development Social at Franklin Beer Hall

Join the global health and development meetup for a social at Franklin Beer Hall! Come talk and learn about global health and development from people working in the field or who are just excited about it!

All EA DC event attendees are required to follow the code of conduct.

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Co-working at Tryst Cafe

Co-working at Tryst Cafe

Join EA DC for a co-working session at Tryst Cafe in Adams Morgan. Bring your work or a personal project and check in with other EAs about what they're focused on.

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Animal Welfare Meetup: Discussion of 2 Vox Articles on How Factory Farming Ends

Animal Welfare Meetup: Discussion of 2 Vox Articles on How Factory Farming Ends

Join us for a facilitated discussion on the role of institutions in animal welfare reform. We’ll be discussing two Vox articles from the “How Factory Farming Ends” series: American government built the meat industry. Now can it build a better food system? and How the most powerful environmental groups help greenwash Big Meat’s climate impact.

Please register here to attend and for the event address.

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