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Reading Resources
Second Step Resources
Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security – Technologies to address Global catastrophic Biological Risks
Global Preparedness Monitoring Board annual report 2019 – global state of affairs, gaps, recommendations for leaders/decision-makers.
FHI – powerful actor, high impact bio-threats expert meeting report 1
James Martin Centre for Nonproliferation studies biorisk material 1
Interesting but less directly relevant
Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security daily brief newsletter
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations – Newsletter
The Pandora Report (from George Mason University Biodefense program, collects useful links every week, back-copies available)
Courses & Learning
FutureLearn: Next Generation Biosecurity – Created by Bath University biosecurity experts. Intro to biosecurity , ethical and policy issues, and how it applies to lab research in particular.
Not really a course but not really a reading: watching through the CladeX live-stream (highly informative about potential US government response to emerging pandemic)
Relevant Organizations
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness – A global alliance financing and coordinating the development of vaccines against infectious diseases. Budget ~ £570 million, based in Norway with an office in London
Biosecurity Research Initiative at St Catharine’s (Cambridge) – establishing a world-class hub that will provide cutting edge, evidence-based information about existing and emerging biological security risks and interventions.
Francis Crick Institute – A biomedical discovery institute researching the biology underlying human health. Largest in Europe.
Wellcome Trust 1 – Foundation that supports researchers, takes on big health challenges and campaigns for better science. Aims to spend £1 billion a year.
Future of Humanity Institute – Working with institutions around the world to reduce risks from especially dangerous pathogens
Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (Cambridge) – Have begun to develop a research agenda for Global Catastrophic Biological Risks
Nuffield Bioethics – an independent body that informs policy and public debate about the ethical questions raised by biological and medical research
UK Public Health Rapid Support Team – A specialist team ready to respond to disease outbreaks around the world before they develop into health emergencies. The team also conducts rigorous operational research to improve epidemic preparedness.
The Centre on Global Health Security at Chatham House – examines key global health challenges and how they manifest themselves as foreign policy and international affairs problems.
Imperial College Institute for Security Science and Technology – Researchers focused on several aspects, including the potential dual-use of synthetic biology, detecting and responding to disease outbreaks, and securing the food supply chain from threats.
Chatham House centre for global health security
BioRISC, St Catharine’s College, Cambridge– launched July 2019. Providing evidence-based information about current and emerging bio-risks.
Centre for Biosecurity and Biopreparedness – setup by Danish Government in 2001
US Gov
Skoll Global Threats Fund
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Open Philanthropy Project
Centre for International Security and Cooperation (Stanford)
Nuclear Threat Initiative (USA)
Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense (USA) – lobbying to strengthen US biodefense
Global Catastrophic Risk Institute
Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security (USA)
Georgetown Centre for Global Health, Science, and Security
Belfer Centre at Harvard School of Government
Centre for Strategic and International studies health and security program
James Martin Centre for Nonproliferation Studies
UPMC Centre for Health Security
G8 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction (includes “Biological security” as one of its priority areas)
Biological Weapons Convention
Canadian government organizations: Global Affairs Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada
ABSA International: The Association for Biosafety and Biosecurity